Horse colic prevention and winter hydration video

7 years ago
Team Xplore's picture

I am not a vet but have learned what works for our horses and wanted to pass it along in the hope it helps other horses make it through the winter. We live in the mountains where it snows in the winter and gets to 95 degrees in the summer. Hydration is the key to keeping a horse from colicing. We give them soup 3 to 4 times a day. Take warm water in a bucket and add some apples for flavor or supplemements like safe choice or alfalfa pellets. Dump it in a clean bowl and watch them chow down and drink it all down. It does not have to be much flavor and sometimes warm water is all they want. It will hydrate them and warm them up a bit. Also provide ice free clean water and salt blocks. This takes very little effort and they will bond with you knowing you understand their needs. It will translate under saddle when you ride too. We love these boys and can't do enough to make them healthy. Also give Psyllium for 7 days in a row once a month and a good hoof supplement like Farriers fomula. We feed 3 -4 small meals a day with good quality A stack Alfalfa and Bermuda grass mix. Spread the meals out over the day and always soak it in clean water to remove dirt and sugar. Also it hydrates the grass . We have had minor colic problems in the past years but not for about 4 years since we got proactive about making sure they get water. I only give the soup 2 times a day in the summer but change and fill their water more often. Still they are fed 3-4 small soaked meals in a grass feeder bag to keep it clean and slow down the eating. Horses are worth the effort so treat them well. Thanks for looking ! Sorry about the audio as I have a bad cold.

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