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The majority of horses in the world have four natural gaits: the walk, the trot, the canter and the gallop (some would classify the gallop as a fast canter, but because the sequence of footfalls goes from 3 to 4 beat, many consider it a separate gait). There are other gaits beyond these four that are a result of special training or specific breeding.

The Walk

The walk, the simplest and easiest to recognize of the gaits, is a four beat gait. By four beat we mean that each foot hits the round in succession. If one were to listen to the horse walking on a hard surface, for instance concrete, you would hear a distinct 1-2-3-4 pattern as the horse walked. When a horse walks one foot is lifted off the ground at a time, the other three remaining on the ground. The sequence of the footfalls is left front, right hind, right front, left hind.

The Trot

The trot is a two beat gait where the legs are moved in diagonal pairs, i.e. the left fore and right hind are off the ground and moving while the right fore and left hind

Even for the most dedicated horse lover, mucking out the stables can be a downright unpleasant task.  However, there are ways to make that task more bearable, if not outright enjoyable.  Here are a few ideas to spruce up the experience of sprucing up those horse stalls.

Play some music.   Whether you use a boombox or an iPod, listening to music can make a mindless, repetitive task seem to go more quickly.    A song with a good strong beat will also help maintain a rhythm to the workflow, making it easier to keep a pace and to work long and strong. Whether you like country or club, plug in some tunes.

Bring a friend. Many hands make light work, and having someone to talk to while working can make a dirty, sweaty job just that bit easier. Also, twice the number of hands equals half the work. Not only will the experience seem faster, the whole job will be finished sooner, too. For extra efficiency, on those days when you have to be done as soon as possible, try assigning jobs so that everyone's time is used more effectively and efficiently. One

Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine offers the latest technology and medicine for equine care through the Galbreath Equine Center. The comprehensive services and quality of care make this a premier center for treating injured horses. The staff consists of prominent veterinary names, as well as highly trained students from the Ohio State University veterinary program.

Because the equine industry in Ohio is valued in the billions, the demand for equine services remains high. The center hosts 1200 injured horses each year, and services that many on an outpatient basis as well. The range of treatments available, along with the center's cutting-edge technology, have made this a premier locale for horses needing care, as well as for visiting veterinarians.

The  Center offers the following equine care services:

 • Emergency

•  Critical Care

•  Neurology

•  Imaging

•  Surgery

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Perhaps you can still remember that breathless moment before you hit the ground, the searing pain of twisting your wrist, and the thunderous sound of your horse kicking and neighing desperately beside you, tangled in the jump.  It's kind of ingrained in there, but that was over two weeks ago, and you need to get back in the saddle.  It's the only way to get over it.

But now every time you get close to a jump, your horse goes tense; he steps back, rears and fights you as though his life depends on it.  He's scared, scared of falling again.  And now you're left wondering: how do you teach a horse to get back in the saddle?  How do you help a horse with post traumatic stress disorder?

PTSD is a tragic mental condition in which a patient will be reminded, or "triggered,"  by certain events under specific circumstances.  A good example would be an abused dog, cringing away, or attacking someone holding a stick.  A patient usually slides quite easily into the traditional fight-or-flight modes, and anyone who has a traumatic experience can suffer from PTSD.

But some