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MistyCross's picture
10 points member since November 29, 2016 last seen on Mar 13, 2017


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HEY AWESOME PEOPLE! Follow me if you like my Peru Trip!

This is raw, uncut video of a horseback ride from Ollantaytambo in Peru to the Pumamarca Ruins. I didn't have my GoPro on for some of the worst sections of the trail.

Horseback riding just outside of Cusco. February 21st, 2015.
(Sorry about wobbly footage. I'm new to this whole GoPro thing!)
Music: Anduin ~ Blood Pump.

Horseback riding in Sacsayhuaman in Cusco, Peru:

Winter in Siberia - Russian Adventure Tours | Horse Riding

We were lucky enough to ride these magnificent horses while up in Perth, Scotland. Janine took us for a hack with a couple of lovely canters through the stubble fields.

Lucy riding her pony Libby around the Burghead countryside in Scotland. Shot many landscape views and hopefully will feature more horse related videos in the future!
